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The Scared Science - Observer's Observations

I've just watched a free screening of The Sacred Science online in spurts of my free time on this beautiful sunny Sunday. It documents 8 very sick people's journey across 30 days in the Amazon Jungle with shamans, their thoughts and feelings, sweat and wildlife that lives there. I was moved to make a list of the things I took away from this inspirational and eye-opening film, those thoughts I share with you below. These 8 people entered the jungle after years of suffering in the traditional medical world with Type II Diabetes, Cancer, IBS, Parkinson's, Alcoholism and Depression and Chrone's Disease.

+ sweat and smoke it out
+ drink teas
+ set intentions, meditate - set intentions into what you consume
+ walk in nature
+ connect with strangers
+ practice Reiki
+ connect with nature
+ eat from nature
+ allow yourself time free of technology and distractions from "the real world"
+ breakdowns lead to breakthroughs
+ let the negativity exit - give it back to Mother Earth & thank it as you let it leave you and your life
+ walk for hours
+ let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food
+ let your heart be the guide, not the intestine, not the mind
+ respect other life forms
+ live your life and choices for you and not for others
+ let go of your trauma - holding it in is poisonous
+ accept yourself, your trauma, your shit - embrace it all, love it, appreciate it, learn from it, share the lessons with others
+ death is a process, a necessity of life
+ regardless of where, what, why, how, who ... it's going to happen to us all and it's okay.
+ flush it down and out with water
+ smile, laugh, dance, walk, play music, be in nature
+ greet your demons, your monsters, thank them for their invaluable lessons and set them free
+ what do we truly need to live?
+ remember, write and listen to your dreams' messages
+ physical pain is a symptom of what's in your head and heart. deal with it in those spaces and you'll heal your body
+ learn to be at peace with yourself
+ change starts with today and tomorrow, but it continues for years and years