Friday Friday

Friday, July 8, 2016
The only constant reliability in life is change. Why do we chase the status quo, the constant, the comfortable, the same old shit, day in and day out? Is comfortable really comfortable? Or is it just familiar and known? Is it good for us?
This was a topic recently discussed amongst a Facebook group of beautiful soulful folks in which share a common thread - SHFT, The Angry Therapist, that's created a community and safe space for people that need and honor the process of life.
By nature, being a Taurus, I'm supposed to be stubbornly resistant to change and steadfast in my ways. In many respects, I absolutely am, but I'm also fully aware of the need for change, improvement, growth & development into myself. By resisting change, what does that solve? Who does that help? What's the benefit? Nothing, no one and nothing!
In my professional career, my boss (a bloke that very very rarely gives compliments of any kind) praised me on how well I handle major business changes that dramatically and seriously impact our career paths, livelihood and general sense of stability (if there's any stability to be had in corporate 'Murica in this new age of rolling waves of changes).
How can I take my experiences and piles of shit and hard lessons I've chosen in my path and journey thus far, and help others along their journeys? We are all here for beautiful reasons: to love, to give love, to learn to accept love, and to experience all of the love and lessons and growth that this life in human form has to offer our souls. We are all at different points in our lives, in our journeys, and what is good for one may be detrimental to another. But, no matter what, be kind, always.