Posts in Dating & Relationships
Melissa, 46, Calling in Her Match, California
Tanya, 37, Engaged/Common Law Married, Toronto, Ontario
Alvely, 30ish, Married, NC
Dating & RelationshipsBeth Derrickrelationships, relationship theory, marriage, love, communication, BAMF, thoughtfulness, growth, future, emotions, connection, perspective
Roy, Old Enough to Know Better, Married, Texas
Beth, 33, Single, McKinney, TX
Dating & RelationshipsBeth Derrickmarriage, relationships, dating, what is normal?, relationship theory, impact theory, ellen degeneres, brandi carlile, barack obama, #relationshipgoals, feelings, abundance, love, goals, gender norms, dates, growth, growth mindset, BAMF
Grace, 28, Single, California
Dating & RelationshipsBeth Derrickdating, relationships, marriage, human construct, freedom, single, singledom, free spirit, entrepreneur, BAMF
Sharon, 56, Separated, A Little South of Nowhere
V.H., Female, 20something, Married, Tennessee